This picture is over 100 years old. It crossed over the Atlantic Ocean (sailing ship ? Then crossed over the United states to Weston, Oregon (by Wells Fargo ?) from Weston, OR. to Biggs. OR. by covered wagon or by train ??) where it survived her son, Bernard Keenan's Columbia Hotel 'fire' ...
His daughter, Pearl (Keenan) Shearer 1921 house 'fire' also in Biggs... it eventually went to uncle Carl's Shearer's home where it remained until July of 2009.
Winiford and Edwina's Great grand grand mother, Bridget Keenan's picture, was newly, received from cousin, Scott and Carol Schaeffer, uncle Carl Taylor Shearer's grandson... 2nd son of uncle Carl's, daughter, Bernice. Bridget Keenan was born in Ireland and died in Ireland.
Bridget Keenan, is the great great great grandmother of Jessica Withers Bailey, Winnie's grand daughter.
Winnie Bailey - 2009
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