Mullabawn June 8, 1880
Dear son it is with Pleasure I take my pen in hand to let you know that I received your kind and welcome letter which gave me and all the family great satisfaction to hear of you and your kind wife and family being well and in good health. I got your letter on the 26th of May, the invoice did not come in until the 3rd of June and on that same day I got the money which was a hansom present when I got the money Peter says to me Mother the day is fine and you may as well come to Dundalk as it was so long since you were in it before so I went and had a very pleseant day. I got every thing to my wishes. Dear son you are a very thoughtful man and were that when you were a little boy may your own children be as good to you as you are to me. When your letter was taken in to the house when Peter opened it and read a part of it he filled up with the crying to say you were to good as to send Fifty dollars more may the Lord pour a blessing on you your wife and family. The traveling poor are blessing you for your thought and kindness to home, I suppose you forget the size of the little farm you were raised on. I pay £10 pounds of rent in the year it is my own name that is in the recit. Peter his wife and family and John and Margaret is living in the house with me. Thomas is living on part of the farm of which he pays £4 8s of rent so the rent the whole farm is £14 8s in the year
Your Brothers and sisters are all well my grandson little Bernard says he wishes he was big boy and that he would go over to see you Your wife is a very good woman and kind to us for if she was a bad one she would strive to prevent you doing what you have done for me May God mark you and her with his holy grace.
Dear son your last letter has made this a blooming summer for us it is very remarkable the changes that has come on the place here this last four year and it is not the case in one place but many the Smiths family are all well. There is three of Peter's boys in America one of them died b... he has to in England Bernards family is well the eldest boy and girl is in Lavaerpore the rest of the family is small he is very lo he has a sort of a swelling on most of his hand. Thanks be to God I have very good health but I am getting very stif. John is getting into bad health. I will get Peter to write to you about another fortnight and perhaps I will send my likeness to you. Peter says you are entitle to another as it is all we can give you at the present. We got no word from Patrick or James or Ellen this last three years if you hear from them send us word how they are
P.S. rite soon and let us know how you are all getting along hoping when this reaches you it may find you all well. The family all join me in sending our love and best respects to you and your wife and family your affectionate mother Bridget Keenan to her son Bernard Keenan.
[In another style of writing]
Thanks be to God. We was very glad to hear from you tell me how the crops look and how much grain you have got put in this year. Tell me how much stock you have got there are there any one in need in your neighborhood have you heard any thing about the apparations at Knock if you have tell us all about it and how many cures you know of how far you live from Knock
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