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MULLABAWN January 4 1883
My Dear Son and Daughter and children, It is with pleasure I rite you these fuw lines to let you know that I and family are quite well and we are all very happy to hear of you your Wife and family being in the enjoyment of good health which is the greatest blessing we can have. thanks be to God for all his goodness. it was on wednesday the 27 of December I got your letter and on Wednesday 3rd of January I got the money you sent me. my family and I are ever obliged to you and your wife. I hope the almighty God will send you twise as much in the place of what you are sending to me. we are praying for your welfare and so is the traveling poor. the neighbors are all very proud to hear of how well you are doing and the good letters you are sending. it is what we say and so does the Neighbors say the same. that as good as you are your Wife is fulley as good. thanks be to god my health is as good as it was this last twenty years onely that I am stiff of my limbs. in the warm wether I walk up to the top of the road and has my little Children Playing about me. I wounder very much what I have done on the rest of my family that is in America. I wrote twice to them and got no answer. the landlords are dowing better than what they were. they are giving from three to four shillings of a reduction to the pound. this is expected to be a hard season on the poor class. there is a very bad Potatoe crop this season. the flax crop has don a deal of harm bad yeald and bad price. any having cattle to sell the are giving a very good price. we are all very sorry for the mistress having the tootheak. I hope she is quite better of it is a painful complant whildt it lasts. I have a little grandson here an name sake of yours. he says to me this morning when he seen Peter going to write, Granma come with me to America and I will forse Uncle Bernard home. you are the good uncle to us all, my family all joins me in sending our love and best respects to your wife and family. may God bless you all. we are all proud of the beatiful cards you sent me but we do not know by the names whether they are boys or girls. good by for the present. hoping to hear soon from your loving Mother Bridget Keenan to my son Br Keenan
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