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Mullabawn May 5th 1882
My Dear Son and daughter and family I am proud to let you know that I got your letter and was very proud to hear of you and family being well I and my familly is quite well I also got the money you sent me which my family and I is forever obliged to you for your kindness to me Thanks be to God that you are so lucky and so fortunate as to be able to look to us in the bad times but only the goodness is in you and your wife yous would not be out so much with me. Your kind and thoughtful letters are remarked by all the neighbours.
Dear Son I wonder very much that you never spoke any thing of my picture that I sent you. I own I am old and faild but I would like you to tell me in your next letter how I looked when I reached there after crossing the stormy sea. You must have a very speedy way for ploughing when you can plough so much in the day. half an acre in the day is as much as we can do in the day. why you have more ploughed than is in all Mullabawn. We lost Patrick's address I sent too of my pictures to Ellen and she was to send one of them to Pat at the same time I sent it to you so I got no letter from them this long time. when you tell me in your letters that they were well I feel contented. it was a very stormy winter with win and rain not very much frost nor snow we have spring labour finished. those days people is late with the labour here this season owing to the wet wether. theref was a splendit crop of potatoes in this country last season. I suppose you remember Peter and Bernard Smyth, Catherin Gollogy and Mary Ann. they are all well and is glad to hear how well you are off. the traveling poor says you are happy blessed with the good woman you got and indeed they be praying for your self are for how kind you's are to me. I hope this will be a good summer.
The landlords are very determed still and must get the rent and is getting it. there is a great many injected out of there. [unreconizeable word] the money you sent done a deal of good. may God protect you and your's and bestoue a blessing on your [hanlin?]. I hope you will rite soon. good by my dear Children. my family all joins me in sending our best wishes to you your Wife and family from your mother Bridget Keenan to my son Bernard Keenan
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